Friday, August 7, 2015

#ReflectiveTeacher Blogging Challenge Day 5

Reflective Teaching: A 30-Day Blogging Challenge For Teachers

Day 5: Post a picture of your classroom, and describe what you see –and what you don’t see that you’d like to.
This is my bulletin board right outside my classroom.  I HATE it!  It goes from the ceiling to the floor and is a B**** to cover with paper.  Plus the student lockers are directly across from it in the narrow hallway, which means it is always getting ripped and torn and awful!  I really want to plan out a year worth of boards in advance this year since we have to update them every month.

Here is my word wall, which I end up using the whole wall, not just the little board.  I leave the words up all year.  

My desk area.  I usually start the year with my desk facing out but by the middle I turn it around to have more room.

This is my back wall next to my desk.  I never really know what to do with the big bulletin board.  Last year I had the "how to learn math"  stuff that was all over Pinterest, and left it up all year.  Underneath are two of my only shelves where I will store all of my class textbooks.  

This view shows my desks.  I really love these desks, but I wish my room was bigger so that I could make other configurations with them.  They really only fit when I have them in four groups of four with a group of two.  You an also see in the back there my bins for the class portfolios.  Another goal I have this year is to plan out really good assignments to go in these folders.  Last year I just used the benchmarks, but I would like to use more problem solving type assignments.

This picture and the one above it are on either side of my white board.  I use one for 5th grade and one for 6th grade. This is where I put the homework and objective for the day.  I really like having the two boards for this purpose and will continue again this year.

This is above my white board.  I have a number line, the 8 MPs and a place value chart.

I guess that's it for my room. These pictures were taken last year and I'm not planning any major changes. Except for the back bulletin board. I decorated loosely with a superhero theme which I really liked and will continue with this year. I also really like red/white/blue so it fits.

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