Monday, January 26, 2015

#flipclass Flash-Blog Late Work Policy

As the title suggests today's #flipclass chat is about late work and our policies for accepting/grading it.

Mine is pretty simple.  I will take all work up until about 2 days before grades are due.  However, if it is late I count it as a missing assignment which means the student gets a pink slip.  Two pink slips for missing work is a phone call home and three is a detention.  But that does not impact their grade at all. Just do it!  That is for homework assignments.

For retakes, I still let them take as long as they need, but if you read my previous post Tests, Quizzes and Grades I'm trying to make this more effective.  I want my students to learn from their mistakes and take advantage of the retakes, but they are not.
For example, grades for 2nd marking period are due Wednesday, we are in the middle of a blizzard so we had a 1/2 day today.  I gave one student the chance to retake a quiz today, she looked at it and said I need help, I don't know how to do this.  I'm like "What?" This was the second time the student attemped the retake.  Why didn't she study, ask questions or see me for extra help?  I just don't get it!

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