
Tuesday, December 2, 2014

#mtboschallenge Week 16: December Goals

I've been trying to jump back into blogging for a while now and finally found the motivation to do it.  I am linking up with Sherrie   who hosts a weekly prompt to hopefully keep us blogging!  This week's prompt was December Goals.

My main goal for December is to get back to flipping my class!
Before Thanksgiving I made a few video lessons and remembered how much I love doing them with the interactive notebooks.  Instead of having students watch the videos at home, I was able to grab 9 iPads so I had half the class watch the video and the other half work with me.

Although it wasn't perfect, it did allow me to see that this is how I NEED to run my classes.  My ultimate goal is to really get students working at their own pace, but I'm soooo not ready to tackle that yet!

So for the rest of the month (all 3 weeks of it wooo hoooo!) I am going to start easing them and me into it and then when we come back in January we should be able to jump right in!

Some of my biggest challenges is getting them to regulate their volume, my room is small and anything above a whisper is loud.  Is it realistic to expect 18 5th and 6th graders to spend the whole period whispering?
Another is figuring out how to keep track of their activities and make sure they are on task at all times and learning.

One of the new resources I'm trying out is I learned about this at EdcampNJ and it looks really promising!  It really has a lot to offer and I'm just learning how to use it, but I really like it.
I am also thinking about having them use I'm not sure if the girls will enjoy it, but I think the boys will from what I've seen so far.

So that is it for now, of course I have my other goal of finally getting back in shape.  So far so good, I'm back at Weight Watchers and sticking to it fairly well.  I've also found a pretty decent workout website that I've been doing each morning, its  and she's got some really good 10 minute and 20 minute workouts that I am enjoying.

If you want to link up with the blogging challenge here is the info!

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