
Friday, July 4, 2014

July Blogging Challenge #5Things

July Blogging Challenge -Day 4

Have to admit the blogging challenge is hard, especially in summer and I am off. I do not regret starting it though, and one of things I'm enjoying the most is reading all of the other bloggers blogs.

My take on the #5Things will be the 5 things I'm looking forward to this year.

#1.  5th graders!!!  I've only ever taught 7th and 8th graders and maybe I'm being naive, but I'm looking forward to having some sweet little 11 year olds for a change.  Now I'm sure there are some teachers out there laughing hysterically at this, but I can't help but think 11 year old kids have to be a tad bit better than 13 year olds. Its not like I am clueless, I do have a 10 year old son and a 16 year old daughter.  Now I have to admit, I have had the easiest time with my daughter, but even I saw the difference in her attitude during those years.  I've always believed kids lose their mind in 7th grade so I am excited to teach them before that happens.  Although I'm sure my new 6th graders are going to be a handful as well.

#2  Using one of these for my calculators!
Each pocket will be numbered and then I will quickly know who has a calculator and more importantly if they are all back at the end of class.

#3  Longer class periods/a better schedule.  Lots going on here with this one.  First of all last year we cut ourschool day by 1/2 hour, we used to end at 4 and now at 3:30.  We got a new administrative team that decided to take on everything themselves and made the schedule at the last minute without input from the staff and it was horrible. So here are the things that I am hoping will make it better: Last year I taught 7/8 which has 5 classes in total, this year 5/6 which are only 4 classes.  Admin is getting help from our 8th grade Science teacher who is a wiz with scheduling.  They also PROMISED me more math time!  Yay!

#4 Going into this year with experience in a) Singapore Math b) PowerSchool c) Rubicon Atlas   These three things were introduced last year a week before school started.  I don't know about you, but I am a planner and love to learn, but hate being in a sink or swim situation.  That was how I felt about all three of these things last year.  Don't get me wrong, each of these things are really valuable to our school and can make life easier, but I am looking forward to having a clue before school starts!

#5 My comic/superhero themed classroom!  I can't help it I like themes and decorations.  I am excited to incorporate this theme since this is a passion of my entire family.  I'm pretty sure that my kids are going to be comic book artists as a profession.  I'm not even kidding.  Here is one thing I found that I'm sure I'm going to do this year: 
Yeah! Day 4 done!

(LOL count: 0, Exclamation Point count: 9) oops

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